Our website uses cookies for the following purposes:
– Technical functionality so we can remember your preferences.
– Traffic measurement, so we know how many people visit our website.
The website is owned by:
Kayak Republic
Børskaj 12
1221 Copenhagen K
Telephone 22 88 49 89
CVR No. 36562250
Why do we use cookies?
We are constantly trying to improve kayakbar.dk, therefore we use cookies to keep statistics on how users use the website. We keep track of which pages are the most visited, which browsers are used, etc.
A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser to recognize your computer on return visits. As a user of our website, you are anonymous. This means that we do not automatically record any information that can identify you and cookies cannot contain viruses.
Using cookies, we record the following:
– Your IP address
– Information on which web browser you are using.
– Whether you have arrived via another website, for example google.dk or kayakbar.dk
– Which pages you visit
– How long your visit with us will last. Whether you use PC, Mac or tablet/mobile
These cookies do not contain any personal information and are only used for web analytics.
2.1 How long cookies are stored
Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit.
2.2 How to delete cookies
See guidance here: http://minecookies.org/cookiehandtering
2.3 How to avoid cookies?
If you do not want to receive cookies, you can block them. See guidance here: http://minecookies.org/cookiehandtering.
If you set your browser to refuse cookies, please be aware that some functionality on the website may not work.
2.4 Google Analytics (traffic measurement)
The website uses cookies from Google Analytics to measure website traffic.
You can opt-out of cookies from Google Analytics here: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout